
Sunday, 9 September 2012


Mount Roraima, the flat table top mountain situated at the triple point border of Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana is truly a spectacular place. It is mostly unexplored because of its isolation from the rest of the place through steep cliffs on all sides. The place is said to contain species more ancient than the dinosaurs, because it was untouched and was not accessible. For example the black frog is one such species ancient than dinosaurs. The frog cant jump or hop, it has lost that ability because there are no predators. when touched the frog turns into a stone like pebble.

The place is covered with fog and mist almost all the time and it rains almost everyday all year round, causing flash floods and some of the highest waterfalls in the world, the ANGEL FALLs is located there, For more info on mt. Roraima just click on the wikipedia link provided here


Mount Roraima, Covered by clouds on all sides

The summit of mount RORAIMA is covered with strange patterns of rock formations and structures which appear as though they defy gravity

The famous angel falls located in this place


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